Access to cardiovascular medicines in low- and middle-income countries: a mini review (Peer-reviewed)

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Published on - 26-Sep 06:53pm

The article from Global Health Research and Policy journal delves into the challenges faced by low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) in accessing cardiovascular (CV) medicines. The study aimed to summarize the available evidence on this topic.

Cardiovascular diseases are a leading cause of death worldwide, with a significant burden on LMICs. Despite the necessity of long-term CV medicines, LMICs, due to their limited resources, often face hurdles in accessing these essential drugs. The review analyzed articles from 2010 to 2022, focusing on the availability and affordability of CV medicines in LMICs.

The findings revealed that while the availability of CV medicines has shown improvement, many countries still do not achieve the desired 80% availability target. Disparities exist both between and within countries, with public health facilities often having lower availability than private ones. Affordability is another significant concern. In many countries, CV medicines, especially combined treatments, are not affordable. The cost of a month's supply of CV medicines can range from less than a day's wage to over 53 days' wages, depending on the country and the specific medicine.

The review also highlighted that while CV medicines might be available in certain settings, they might not be affordable, and vice versa. This disparity poses a significant challenge in reducing CV-related mortality in LMICs. Barriers to access include limited national funding, slow inclusion of CV medicines into essential medicines lists, and structural barriers within the health system's supply chain.

To bridge these gaps, the article suggests measures such as efficient forecasting and procurement, increased public financing, promoting generic use, and policy interventions. In conclusion, significant disparities exist in access to CV medicines in LMICs, necessitating urgent policy interventions to improve availability and affordability.


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