Statement on Access to Quality and Safe Medical Oxygen

Quamed Support

Published on - 10-Oct 11:41am

The document emphasizes the critical importance of access to quality and safe medical oxygen, especially in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). It is estimated that fewer than half of all health facilities in LMICs have uninterrupted access to medical oxygen, leading to preventable deaths, notably during the COVID-19 pandemic. The challenges in accessing reliable medical oxygen supplies arise from limited production, distribution, unreliable power supply, lack of equipment, and inadequate funding, among other factors.

Medical oxygen is defined as oxygen of a distinct quality intended for patient use, produced, distributed, and stored according to health regulatory requirements. It plays a pivotal role in various medical disciplines, from surgery to emergency care. The document underscores the clinical indications for oxygen treatment, including conditions like COVID-19, pneumonia, and surgical anesthesia.

The quality standards for medical oxygen are defined by pharmacopoeias or approved by national regulatory authorities. Only medical oxygen that meets these standards should reach patients. Manufacturers and distributors should adhere to WHO good manufacturing practice (GMP) guidelines to ensure the quality of medical oxygen.

The document also delves into the technical aspects of medical oxygen systems, emphasizing the need for a holistic approach. This encompasses oxygen production, storage, distribution, delivery, and patient monitoring. The document concludes by highlighting the importance of quality assurance in medical oxygen systems, ensuring that they are of medical grade and meet established standards.


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