The importance of pharmacovigilance (Book)

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Published on - 26-Sep 07:35pm

The book emphasizes the significance of pharmacovigilance in ensuring the safety of medicinal products. The book begins with an introduction that outlines the purpose of the document, which includes presenting the case for pharmacovigilance, its growth as a discipline within medical science, and its impact on patient welfare and public health.

Chapter 2 provides a historical overview of WHO's involvement in drug safety monitoring, highlighting the evolution of pharmacovigilance over the past three decades. It mentions the establishment of the WHO Programme for International Drug Monitoring and the role of the Uppsala Monitoring Centre in managing the international database of Adverse Drug Reaction (ADR) reports.

Chapter 3 discusses the various partners involved in pharmacovigilance, including the WHO Quality Assurance and Safety: Medicines Team, the Uppsala Monitoring Centre, and National Pharmacovigilance Centres. The chapter emphasizes the importance of collaboration and communication among these partners to address drug safety concerns effectively.

The subsequent chapters delve deeper into the role of pharmacovigilance in drug regulation, clinical practice, international health, and considerations for the future. The book also includes a glossary and references for further reading.

In essence, this book serves as a comprehensive guide on the importance of pharmacovigilance, its historical development, key stakeholders, and its role in ensuring the safety and efficacy of medicinal products globally.


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