Why is the Safety of Medicines Important for Resilient Health Systems (Report)

Quamed Support

Published on - 26-Sep 07:19pm

This report discusses the importance of pharmacovigilance (PV) in contributing to building up resilient health systems. It is based on and summarizes the findings of a review of available literature on the topic and relevant case studies focusing on a set of country and regional experiences. Although indispensable in improving health outcomes, the administration and use of medicines may produce adverse reactions, requiring continuous monitoring to ensure that the benefits outweigh the risks. PV, which involves the systematic detection, reporting, assessment, understanding, and prevention of adverse drug reactions (ADRs), is an essential public health function, but it is often overlooked. The review suggests that successful PV programs are built on three essential pillars: statutory provisions that establish standards for PV centers and programs, well-trained health professionals and associated stakeholders, and engaged PV reporters using effective reporting systems. The report also offers policy considerations for countries and international partners in building PV capacity as an essential public function of a health system.


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