Why Nigeria Must Strengthen its Local Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Capacity (Peer reviewed)

Quamed Support

Published on - 10-Oct 12:21pm

Despite having over 115 registered pharmaceutical manufacturers, Nigeria remains heavily reliant on other countries for the supply of active pharmaceutical ingredients and excipients. The country has not prioritized the local production of raw materials, pharmaceutical dosage formulations, or processing equipment, leading to a decline in its pharmaceutical manufacturing capacity. The importance of the pharmaceutical industry to the overall health and economy is emphasized, especially in developing countries like Nigeria. The recent COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the vulnerabilities in Nigeria's pharmaceutical manufacturing capacity, causing significant drug shortages and medicine insecurity due to reduced drug importation. The pandemic underscored the urgent need for Nigeria to enhance its local pharmaceutical manufacturing capabilities. The commentary suggests that for Nigeria to strengthen its pharmaceutical manufacturing capacity, there must be collaborative efforts from the government, regulators, policymakers, and other stakeholders to address various challenges, including high taxes, energy costs, and infrastructure issues.


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