How to temperature map cold chain equipment and storage areas

Quamed Support

Published on - 19-Oct 09:29pm

The World Health Organization (WHO) has released the second edition of its guide titled "How to temperature map cold chain equipment and storage areas." This document emphasizes the significance of temperature mapping in safeguarding the quality of stored vaccines and pharmaceuticals. It highlights the challenges faced by many storage units, which often lack comprehensive documentation of effective temperature distribution. To address this, WHO's guide aims to empower field-level staff, especially store managers, to conduct temperature mapping. The guide provides a systematic approach, detailing the placement of sensors in storage units, recording temperatures for a minimum of 48 hours, and then analyzing the data to pinpoint safe and risky storage zones. Additionally, the guide offers resources, including links to essential software applications and tools, ensuring that vaccines and pharmaceuticals are stored under optimal conditions to maintain their potency and efficacy.


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